Laws empower people – but are they accessible enough? An integral component of Access to Justice [SDG 16], is to first have access to laws. Think Legal aims to make law more accessible in Bangladesh. It is a one-stop knowledge centre for lawyers and all things legal. The site caters to both lawyers and the public and supplements information that is already publicly available. Our goal is to curate legal information of public importance in an easy-to-access and easy-to-understand format for researchers, lawyers and the public. The information in the website is free for all. Think Legal welcomes user participation and contribution from all lawyers in content relating to public interest. All information contained in this website is public in nature and the site does not take responsibility for the content. Think Legal is committed to publishing material objectively, which reflects the informative content of the data shared. The Review Committee reserves the right to publish information at its discretion. We welcome feedback and opportunities of collaboration. We can be reached at : [email protected]