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Advocate Md. Salahuddin Dolon VS. Government of Bangladesh and Others (Writ Petition No. 4495 of 2009)

Case Name:Advocate Md. Salahuddin Dolon
Government of Bangladesh and Others
Case Number:Writ Petition No. 4495 of 2009
Practice Area:Constitution Law, Fundamental Rights, Human Rights
Case Type:Writ
Type of DocumentJudgment
Court Name:Supreme Court of Bangladesh- High Court Division
Keywords:Constitution Law,Education, Government Servant, Sexsual Harrasment
Order/ Judgment Date:Judgment date: 08.04.2010
Case Referred:H.M. Ershad vs. Bangladesh 2011 BLD (AD) 69,
Apparel Export Promotion Council vs. Chopra AIR 199 SC 625,
Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA) vs.
Government of Bangladesh and Others, 14 BLC 694 = (209) 29 BLD (HCD) 415,
Bangladesh National Women Lawyer Association (BNWLA) vs. Government of Bangladesh and Others,
Bangladesh Jatiya Mahila Ainjibi Samity vs. Government of Bangladesh 14 BLC 694, 29 BLD (HCD) 415,
Law Referred:Constitutional Law, Government Servants (Discipline and Appeals) Rule 1985
Companies Referred:
People Referred:
Lawyers’ Names:For the Petitioner : Mr. Md. Salahuddin Dolon
For Respondents: Ms. Sara Hossain
Mr. Syed Mamun Mahbub
Judges Names:Mr. Justice Miraz Hussain Haider
Mr. Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul Haque Akondo

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